NTA Acknowledges Concerns Raised by TIGTA

National Taxpayer Advocate Erin Collins is working to address deficiencies highlighted by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration regarding the speed of service offered by the Taxpayer Advocate Service.

Collins noted in a September 19, 2024, blog post that TAS, as highlighted by the TIGTA audit, is “not starting to work cases and we are not returning telephone calls as quickly as we would like.”

She noted that while overall satisfaction with TAS is high, Collins is hearing "more complaints than I would like of unreturned phone calls, delays in providing updates, and delays in resolving cases." She identified three core challenges in case advocacy:

  • The increasing number of cases;

  • An increase in new hires that need proper training before they can effectively assist taxpayers; and

  • A case management system that is more than two decades old that causes inefficiencies and delays.

Collins noted that there has been an 18 percent increase in cases in fiscal year 2024 and advocates have inventories of more than 100 cases at a time. According to the blog post, in each of FY 2022 and 2023, there were about 220,000 cases. TAS is on track to receive nearly 260,000 in FY 2024.

"Our case advocates are doing their best to advocate for you," Collins wrote in the blog. "But when we experience a year like this in which case receipts have jumped by 18 percent, something must give. Since we don’t turn away taxpayers who are eligible for our assistance, the tradeoff is that we’re taking longer to assign new cases to be worked, longer to return telephone calls, and sometimes longer to resolve cases even after we’ve begun to work them."

Collins added that while the employment ranks continue to rise, about 30 percent of the case advocates "have less than one year of experience, and about 50 percent have less than two years of experience," meaning "nearly one-third of our case advocate workforce is still receiving training and working limited caseloads or have no caseloads yet, and half are likely to require extra support for complex cases."

She said TAS is revieing its training protocols, including focusing new hires on high volume cases so "they can begin to work those cases more quickly, while continuing to receive comprehensive training that will enable them to become effective all-around advocates over time."

TAS is also deploying a new case management system next year that will better integrate with the Internal Revenue Service’s electronic data offerings.

"My commitment is to continue to be transparent about our progress as we work toward becoming a more effective and responsive organization, and I ask for your understanding and patience as our case advocates work to resolve your issues with the IRS," Collins said.

By Gregory Twachtman, Washington News Editor